Our gene analyses may only be applied for by doctors and specialist personnel approved by us, so that sufficient advice and medical care can be provided.
Your doctor will first inform you about the scope and benefits of the gene analysis and explain all relevant aspects of the gene analysis.
As a next step, you must sign a consent form, as no genetic analysis will be carried out in our laboratory without your consent.
Thereafter, a saliva sample must be taken. This sample can be conveniently collected with a cotton swab and sent by post to our laboratory. We always take three drawbacks for each analysis so that we can repeat the analysis twice more if the quality of the sample is poor. We provide our partner doctors with corresponding sample sets.
The sample then goes to one of our certified laboratories for evaluation. There, the DNA is extracted from your saliva by a robot-automated process and then the desired gene segments are examined for variations.
Our scientists are evaluating the results, which are then transmitted to your doctor as a printed booklet by post or in the form of a pdf file via a protected server.
As a last step, you will be informed about the results by your doctor. Your doctor will explain the result to you and will give you recommendations for your screening program.